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5 Tips for Babywearing with the T.I.C.K.S Rule

Discover how to use your baby carrier, toddler carrier or wrap in the safest possible way using the TICKS babywearing as well as advice from babywearing expert, Emily Williamson. You can also view our wrap and carrier fitting guide page for more information.

What are the TICKS Babywearing rules?

When using your Izmi we always recommend you follow our T.I.C.K.S rules of babywearing. This checklist will make sure you’re carrying your baby safely while keeping you both as comfortable as possible.

Please feel free to download the Ticks PDF checklist and read more about T.I.C.K.S below.

Ensure there is no risk of your baby falling

  • Make sure that the carrier you are using and the position you are using it in is appropriate for your child’s age or stage
  • Ensure that all buckles are fully clicked closed and fastened in the correct places
  • Fabric passes are spread out sufficiently
  • Your wrap or carrier is adjusted to tightly hold your baby high and snug against your chest
  • When breastfeeding make sure that along with the above the baby’s spine is supported and no fabric covers their head

Support your baby’s head and airways

When fitting your carrier, check that:

  • Your baby’s head is supported in line with their spine
  • Your baby’s head will stay stable as you move around
  • You can always see that your baby’s face and nose are clear from any fabric or obstruction
  • Your baby is held high and snug on your body, with their head close enough for you to kiss the top of it
  • Fasten or tie your carrier tightly to support your baby close against your body and prevent them from dropping or slumping.


You can use your carrier head-rest, or wrap fabric to stabilise your baby’s head and neck.  You could also support behind their neck using a rolled up muslin square, or other padding if your baby needs additional support.  

Never cover your baby’s face, nose or mouth with fabric and always check you are using your carrier in line with the babywearing TICKS above.

Comfortable carrying

  • Make sure you are carrying your child in a way that is closest to how they are naturally held at a height that is comfortable with minimum strain on your muscles
  • If the child can lean away from you or is too low this can quickly become tiring; adjust your carrier or wrap to hold your baby snugly against your chest for the most comfortable carry
  • Check that your baby’s legs and pelvis are held in a natural, Hip-Healthy position with their thighs fully supported by the fabric of the carrier and their knees higher than their hips

Low birthweight and premature babies

IMPORTANT: Babies born prematurely and/or with a low birth weight are at greater risk of suffocation. Take extra care, and seek advice from a health and/or carrying professional before using your carrier.

The guideline age-ranges for Izmi carriers may not be realistic if your baby/babies were born prematurely. Check your baby’s level of postural control for each carrying position, and do not use the carrier if you are concerned for your baby’s safety.

Izmi carriers all have a recommended minimum weight; this is the minimum weight we recommend for using the carrier without professional supervision by an appropriately qualified and insured Carrying Consultant or Medical Professional.  

We are aware that both the Izmi Baby Carrier and the Izmi Wrap may be very safe and suitable for carrying lower weight babies, and have been used under professional supervision in hospital settings with premature babies.  

If your baby is under 7lb / 3.3kg in weight and you would like to try an Izmi carrier or wrap, please visit a trained Carrying Consultant, who will be able to check that the carrier is suitable and safe for you to use with your baby.

If you have any questions or concerns about carrying you baby or toddler safely, please feel free to contact us.

  • Izmi Essential Wrap

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